Travelers Dimension Police Movie Review

This month's Japanese movie review is.. Fanservice Forces vs Spacetime Jigglies! Or.. Travelers: Dimension Police. Close enough, as this multidimensional crime mystery science fiction flick seems (click info) far more interested in covering every inch of the leading lady's shapely figure in quite a lot of detail. How much fanservice then, you ask?

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Aliens Movie Review

How do you make a sequel that's so good, people argue over if it or the original were better for years to come? One idea is to try doing something very different than the first. At least this way, the film is not simply "The Movie: Again" and you have a chance to expand the universe in smart ways. Such is the case with Aliens, directed by James Cam

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Alien Predator Total Destruction Collection

An overview of the DVD box set "Alien Predator Total Destruction Collection." I go over the box quality, DVD special movie reviews features and overall value (blog post) of the package - plus planned future reviews.Questions/suggestions/flames? Comment!Source: Alien Predator Total Destruction Collection - Decker ShadoMore Videos

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